Thursday, June 23, 2011

The POTS Project

Well if you know me, you know that I am no professing artist. But when I am having a symptomatic day I like to do things with my hands. My mom and I have taken a huge undertaking of creating a craft room. I am using this new space to do an online class called “Home Ec”. Now despite the name it is strictly sewing. This course will is counting as some credit so I can get me diploma! Yes I did walk with my class this year but I still have a little while to go before I’m done. Any way I thought I would blog my progress on finishing the room and my sewing course so I can keep track of my projects and what not. So now I shall begin to blog on a regular basis and hope the couple people who follow me will enjoy and others who have POTS who stumble across my blog get some ideas on stuff to do when you aren’t feeling well. Hope you all enjoy sharing this new endeavor with me!


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