Monday, January 31, 2011

That's How I ended Up Here

Another question I get a lot is how I got diagnosed with POTS. Well this is a complex answer. Let me start by saying I switched from a public school to the private Christian school I attend now. At my school we do something called senior presentations. We explain how we have seen God in our lives and where we feel Him taking us. I was a sophomore when a girl presented her presentation for one of our chapel's at school. She explained how she was bogged down with these many symptoms and how she had gone to Mayo Clinic and had a tilt table test and was diagnosed with POTS. At this point I had gone from specialist to specialist for two agonizing years, all telling me these symptoms were in my mind. This was their way of saying "we don't know what's going on". When this girl was explaining what she had been through I thought wow that sounds a lot like me! I went home and asked my mom to set up an appointment with Mayo. Of course it was a while before I could get in, but I did. They did the tilt table test which was really easy and kinda fun being on a table that goes from a supine position to standing. My heart rate dropped and my pulse  raised a lot. That was all the proof they needed and I was diagnosed with dysautonomia or POTS. While the diagnosis was a huge relief my symptoms have continued to get worse.  I fully depend on God for everything in my life. I see how He is daily working through my suffering to bring me and others closer to Him. Its been over four years with my battle of POTS and God has done unspeakable things through my journey. I look back and wonder how I ever made it this far and there is only one answer, God. He truly is amazing and I am proud to be a child of Him. He continually shows His goodness to this day! You really can't make it though this without HIM.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


So the title implies this is day two. I get a lot of people asking me what a typical day with POTS looks like. Keep in mind everyone is different, and this is no exception with this illness. First off les me tell you more about myself so you can understand more where I am coming from. First, I am a christian so most everything I do revolves around God. Second, I'm a highschool senior so i get to do all the sweet things in your last year before you have to "grow up". Third I have close knit family  so they are involved so much in my everyday life. And finally as you know i have a chronic illness so i'm limited. Now on with my day. A typical day for me consists of me waking up around noon (my body won't function any earlier). I will eat something. Then loaf around until my blood gets flowing right and I can walk without seeing stars! Then I get ready to go swim. By now it is around 1:30 and i'm still moving slow. THen i go swimming. swimming is one of the best ways to exercise for POTS patients. Dr. Grubb (POTS specialist) explained to me that because you are in a supine postion you blood flows better. He also told me that it is absoluty vital to excersie or you will never get over this horrible illness. OK so we just swam for around 15 minets and  we are headed back home from the gym. I go straight to my room and do my daily devotions and spend time with God. This is so important to me because i would never be where I am without the One who created me and knows everything about me on my side. I spend a long time doing devotions and just being with God. Then, if i feel up to it, I will go work on some school. I'm rather behind in this area. I haven't been ot a full week of school since the second week it was in session. I go to a private school that is amazing at working with me. The teachers and staff pray for me everyday! Prayers are so vital in this illness. I have seen God do amazing things in my life because of them. I start and end everyday the same way with a prayer and some sleep!
Thats what my day looks like! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

This is Just the Begining

Hello beautiful world! Here is the low down on what's up with me and this o so interesting thing called a "blog". Before I start let me set some things straight; I have this thing called POTS which is short for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (try saying that five times fast!). To reduce into everyday terms my body basically can't preform normal involuntary functions like my heart beat, pulse, digestive tract, and a bunch of other nasty stuff, to learn more about it check out dynakids website. It makes me super tired and unable to do everyday tings like climbing stairs and going to school. I have a bunch of amazing friends and family to help me through it, more importantly I have God. My goal of this blog is to give people an insight onto what people with POTS go through and how I make it through this crazy thing called life with God.