Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Extraordinary Expectations

Today I’m taking a break from my crafts. Instead I’m going to do more of a journal on what I just read in the Bible today. I’ve been skipping around the Old Testament and read the minor prophetic books. I started reading Hosea and was barely into my reading (I’m in chapter 1 verse 3) and thought I need to blog this! Here is what’s happened, God asked Hosea to marry, even though Hosea knew the woman would commit adultery.
Hold up a second, what? Did God really ask Hosea to marry an adulterous woman?
Well yes, the exact details of how it all went down aren’t completely sure, but those details are unimportant for the point I’m trying to make. The point is Hosea obeyed. He married this woman knowing that she would leave him and cheat on him, and eventually become a prostitute. Now that is extreme obedience! But we see it throughout the Bible; Abraham almost sacrificing his son, Moses having the guts to stand up to Pharaoh, Joseph taking Mary to be his wife even when she got pregnant, and  of course Jesus dying on the cross. All these people showed extreme devotion to God.
Now let’s step into today. God still calls us to have this devotion. He expects extraordinary things from all of us! Weather its having a chronic illness or choosing to open the door for an elderly person! Big or small God wants us to follow with the devotion of Hosea. What is He asking you to do?


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