Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fabric Prep

Hello there! This post is for my fellow sewers out there.  I will show you what I do to prep my fabric before sewing. It’s really simple and can save you from extreme fraying or shrinking projects because you didn’t pre-wash. I got some nice fabric from some recent garage sales. 


Before I launder fabric I always do a zigzag stitch around the edges to keep it from fraying in the wash.

After I wash and dry the fabric I try to always iron it before storing.

That’s it; simple, right? Now go forth and sew my lovelies!
Thanks for reading, Kirstin  

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lil' Liam

Happy Monday! It's time for the favorite thing this week, GIRAFFES! They are my absolute favorite animal. Confession: I have always wanted to ride one. I found this lovely pattern and tutorial from Craftin' it here.

I liked it but I did a couple things differently. I love how my guy turned out. I named him Lil’ Liam.

My Tutorial:
(Sorry for the funky format Blogger makes it difficult to format)
Lil' Liam
  • Cut out 2 pieces of fabric from the pattern. You can cute both at once.
  • Place the WRONG SIDES together, pin. Leave and opening to turn the giraffe inside out and stuff.
  • Sew.
  • Use pinking shears to trim around the curved edges. (Image 1)
  • Turn inside out and stuff. (Image 2)
  • Sew up the opening, and TADA your very own giraffe 
Image 1
Image 2
 Linking Up at these lovely parties:

Skip To My Lou

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Meet Willow!

Hello beauty's! Happy Tuesday!
Today I would like to introduce you to a new friend of mine, Willow.
That's her over to the right. Awww, isn't she a lovely?
Psst, I'm going to let you in on a little secret.
Willow is actually shaped like a man right now.
So sometime in the very near future my mother and I
are going to preform some surgery on her. 
She is a little nervous, can't you tell by the fear in her eyes?

Confession: I am really nervous too!
I will have more on Willow and her condition as my wonderful mother and I begin to shape her into the gorgeous dress form I know is hiding within!

Thank you so much for reading, Kirstin