Friday, July 15, 2011

Feeling Crafty

Well we meet again old friends, sorry its been a while since I've posted summer is crazy busy and going way too fast! I've been whipping up crafts like crazy and will post some pictures when I get them on my computer! Mean while you can feast your eyes on this lovely blog I stumbled upon while perusing craftgawker!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Little Story

Howdy readers! I hope you are doing just fantastic today! (my writing styles change often!) Anyway today i have a random incident/ story to share,
today was trash night and i gathered up all the garbage in my house and proceeded to take the dumpster the end of the driveway when i exited the garage i was meet with utter silence. this was strange because i have a pond behind and in front of my house so all the critters get a little rowdy! but tonight they were peaceful and i just stood outside and listened to the silence. i love silence, then a lightening bug flickered in the dark (i take the dumpster down at night) flowed by yet another light, and another. the whole silent, dark night became illuminated with the soft flickering glow of the insects. it was marvelous! even in something as small as taking the trash out God showed His beauty and wonder to me.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Greatest Love Story

Today was a bad day for my POTS. Even though I reside in Michigan the summer can be rather toasty, well for me anyway, and this leads to more symptoms. So I worked on crafts for a large portion of the day. Well I started a few projects and didn’t complete them, so no pictures for today! (Sorry yesterday’s didn’t show up).
On bad days like today I love to read my Bible as well. I am now reading Amos. The more I read the Bible the more I realize that it is the greatest love story ever written. Being a young lady I can be a sucker for love stories (although I would rather be watching Liam Neeson kick some butt), nevertheless I still love a good sappy tale. God authored the most wonderful one of all time (yes even better than “Pride and Prejudice”). In the prophetic books it may not seem like it is a love story but God’s people have stopped loving Him and we now know that, even without the returned love of His chosen people, God’s love never ceased for them or for us. The old and new testaments are all about love and the one person who is love. So while my friends are out searching for a summer fling, I’ll be reading about the greatest love that is ever offered and hope that you reading this will do the same! It’s better than any other relationship and leaves you with no regrets!  

Monday, July 4, 2011


Well today in my lovely home state of Michigan we celebrated one of my favorite holidays, Independence Day! I love this holiday not only because I have my freedom to practice my religion but also to celebrate my freedom from sin because I live in Christ! Another factor of my freedom is the ability to be independent. Yes I have a chronic illness but I don’t let that stop me from being a normal young lady. I have many reasons to be thankful for my various types of freedom! Let us never forget those who died to make our freedom possible not only the colonists but also out Lord, Jesus Christ!  So with 20 minutes left of this glorious day, I am exercising my freedom of speech to wish you all a happy Independence Day! Thanks for reading!
O here’s a couple pictures from my holiday weekend:
I learned bunting and made a name banner for myself!

My adorable dog Chloe intently listening for fireworks to tremble at:

A couple attempts at being creative with my camera:

Friday, July 1, 2011


Well I finished Hosea today. It was a wonderful book. The final chapters were remarkably similar to today. Israel was (again) rebelling and God didn’t get them out of it this time. They had forgotten what He had done for them in the past and He seemed very sick of it!
This also reminds me of my life.  Sometimes I’ll try to plan stuff like I know what’s best, then my symptoms get worse and I have to look at my past and see what God has done for me and be reminded by Him that he knows best. I wish everyone had something like POTS (ok well not POTS because it’s not fun to have!) to be reminded that we need God!